Garden Services Turners Hill

Garden Services in  Turners Hill

Turners Hill

Garden and Lawn Maintenance

Looking for a lawn that's the envy of the Turners Hill neighborhood? One Stop Lawn Care is here to help! We offer comprehensive lawn care services that are tailored to your needs and budget.


We offer a range of services in Turners Hill to keep your lawn looking its best, including:

  • Mowing and dging
  • Fertilisation
  • Weed and Moss Control
  • Hedge and Bush Trimming

We only uses top-quality products and equipment to ensure that your lawn stays healthy and beautiful all season long.

Personalized Care

At One Stop Lawn Care, we understand that every Turners Hill lawn is unique. That's why we offer personalized care to meet your specific needs. Whether you need weekly lawn maintenance or a one-time overhaul, we've got you covered.

Contact Us

Don't struggle with your lawn any longer - let One Stop Lawn Care take care of everything for you.

Contact us today to schedule your personalized lawn care services and achieve the perfect lawn you've always wanted!


One Stop Lawn Care

FREE No Obligation Quote!

0773 490 3881

Treatment Programs


Spring Starter Lawn Treatment  

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Get the season off to a great start.

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Early Summer Lawn Treatment   

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Green and strong all summer long.

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Late Summer Lawn Treatment   

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Recover from hot dry spells.

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Autumn Lawn Care Package   

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Strengthen grass roots.

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Winter Lawn Care Package   

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Winterize and protect.

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Weed and Pest Control  

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Weeds and Pests are a nuisance!

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Liquid Feed Applications   

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Instant "Green up"?

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Wetting Agent Application   

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Get that water working!

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Moss Control & Removal   

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Moss control and removal.

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